Palm Springs With Life Set Sail
Scans By: Photovision Prints | Fashion Blogger: Brittany Messner of Life Set Sail
A few words from Brittany: While I’m still working my way through all of the content we shot in California, I’m currently planning my next trip! Incase you are new around here, Justine is the mastermind behind all the wonderful photography shared here on LSS and I could not be more grateful for such a perfect partnership, not to mention, great friend! Alberta certainly has some beautiful landscapes (those mountains though!), but I thrive most when trying new things and exploring different places…and it’s definitely time for another adventure. So where are we going this time? New York! It wont be my first time, but it has been quite a while since I last visited. I don’t even care how cold it will be, I cannot wait for this trip! The amount of content we were able to shoot on our last trip was insane and I’m so excited for another change of scenery…and to maybe break up all these California posts a little…who am I kidding? I freaking love California! If you’re sick of seeing palm trees you should probably just leave now because they aren’t going anywhere haha. Sorry, not sorry. What keeps you inspired? Have you been to New York? If you have we are totally open to suggestions on where to shoot, eat, etc.