Field Trip

Scans by: Alpine Film Lab
When I got to Field Trip I was a little nervous, I stuck close to Chelsea, we registered, and they gave us our bunk assignments. Now, since I bought a ticket off a guy named Nick, two days before the event started, my woven friendship bracelet said “Nick” and my cabin mates were four other guys. Now as terrified as I was about this, they ended up being the coolest guys on earth! They were a little confused when I first walked up tot he cabin and said hey I’m Nick, I’m your roommate. From then on some of them only called me Nick for the rest of Field Trip. While I was at WPPI, at one of the parties I ran into SO many people that were going to Field Trip, so it was fun to catch up with them in California! I met such amazing people on this trip and had so much fun I cant even being to explain how amazing Field Trip is! I hope they have one every year! Once night around the campfire, introducing ourselves etc, I was like am I the only Canadian around, then someone pointed me in the direction of all of them. It was then I met a bunch of my new close friends! The rest of the weekend went by so so quickly, I wish I could have stayed in California forever & I can’t wait to go back next year! & while WPPI is only for wedding photographers, what makes Field Trip so much more amazing is its for all kinds of photographers! I learnt so many amazing things about all other aspects of photography and it opened my eyes to so so much more that I had no clue about!
Shout outs to some of the amazing people I met while I was there (pictured above!) Kirby, Ben Chernivsky, Chad Braithwaite, Tyler Friesen, Posy Quarterman, Brittany Mahood, Sherman McCain, James Bitz & there were a million others that I don’t have photos of too!